Quran Talks...
This blog aims to spread the authentic teachings of Islam and to promote the learning of the Holy Quran. Contributing are sisters studying under Dr. Farhat Hashmi at Al Huda Institute Canada, who will be sharing first hand accounts of their learning.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Taleem al Qur’an
Diploma Course in Islamic Education for Women
In English
January 2009 - June 2010

Supervised By
Dr. Farhat Hashmi

Learn Qur’an - the Word of God - in its Arabic text to enhance your Mental, Spiritual and Emotional wellbeing and better serve humanity

Monday - Friday
9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
A life time opportunity for young ladies

Enroll Today
course also offered online

Click here for the TQ09 Flyer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Islam is a religion based upon knowledge for it is ultimately knowledge of the Oneness of Allah combined with faith and total commitment to Him that saves people from Hellfire. The text of the Quran is replete with verses inviting people to use our intellect, to ponder, to think and to know, for the goal of human life is to discover the Truth which is none other than worshipping Allah in His Oneness. The hadith literature is also full of references to the importance of knowledge. Such sayings of the Prophet sallahu alyihi wa sallam as "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave", and "Acquring knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim" and "Verily those who have knowledge are the inheritors of the prophets", have echoed throughout the history of Islam and encouraged Muslims to seek knowledge wherever it might be found. During most of its history, Islamic civilization has been witness to a veritable celebration of knowledge. That is why every traditional Islamic city possessed public and private libraries and some cities like Cordoba and Baghdad boasted of libraries with over 400,000 books. Such cities also had bookstores, some of which sold a large number of titles. That is also why the scholar has always been held in the highest esteem in Islamic society.
Keeping all of this in mind, Al Huda aims to revive the circulation of authentic knowledge and to create a culture of learning with the NEW Taleem al Quran course...

1:18 AM  

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