Students' reflections:
After Allah (s.w.t) and the Prophet (saw), the figure of the mother is the next person who should receive the most love. The struggles that the mother goes through in her life are something that her child can never measure up to.
She is the one who carried me in her womb for nine months through the good and bad times. She then underwent extreme pain in giving birth to me, then she fed me whether she liked it or not! I realized today how much pain and what great hardships my mother has gone through raising me. Last week I turned 21, but in those 21 years of my life I don't think that I could ever measure up to those 9 months in which she carried me. And for her I am grateful!
-Fatima Malik
The beautiful dua taught in this verse (Al-Ahqaaf: 15) amazed me in yesterday’s class. One can understand why we should be grateful for our own blessings; because they benefit us directly, but showing gratitude to Allah for the blessings He has bestowed upon our parents is also important and yet how often do we consider it much less do shukr for it?
We always want our parents to be happy, healthy and secure. We ourselves can have all the riches and goods of the world, but if our parents are unwell or in a difficult situation, would we be able to remain happy? This dua shows how to safeguard your own blessings and that of your parents, and in the safeguarding of both is what leads to contentment. And this is from the true nature of human beings that they want good for those who are close to them, and from the character of a Muslim is that he wants good for the whole ummah. If he was to know about the difficulties that the Muslims- no matter how far away- were going through, he could not remain happy or at peace, for the Prophet (s) compared the ummah to that of the human body, where if one part was to become sick the whole body would come to its aid.
The Muslim is not self contained or selfish, his concern is not just his own well being, but his consideration and concern extends to the whole of mankind, starting with his parents and family, then the close relatives and then the ummah as a whole. This du'a teaches us to look beyond ourselves and ask Allah for the ability to be grateful for our own blessings and that upon our parents, May Allah give us the Tawfiq, Aameen.
- Samera Nawaz
As much as I have taken for granted....my mom has always been my truest friend and well wisher (especially for the akhirah). I can’t imagine what portion of her duas is dedicated for me... yet in my duas..... I can’t say the same. I find that truly sad...for my sake... I pray I get a chance to put her on top of my list and live by it...
-Nabila Naz
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