Quran Talks...
This blog aims to spread the authentic teachings of Islam and to promote the learning of the Holy Quran. Contributing are sisters studying under Dr. Farhat Hashmi at Al Huda Institute Canada, who will be sharing first hand accounts of their learning.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Surah Baqarah Verse 201

But among them is he who says, "Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire."

Most Comprehensive Dua

We all know the most commonly read Dua which we often read without even pondering upon it. Today, while I sat in the tafsir class the understanding I got of this dua was very different. After this understanding I made this dua from the depth of my heart so I thought I would share this with you as well.


When we ask for Hasana in dunya, we think of all the good things we want to get in dunya but there is much more to it.

It includes all the the worldly things that are in our favor, it could be the opportunity to do good deeds in dunya, also more guidance in everything that we do, the ability to understand things, to have a good character , to be saved from being put in any trials at the last moments of our lives.

Hasanah in Akhirah means to start the journey of our next lives comfortably, to be able to give correct answers in the grave, to be able to receive glad tidings from angels, to be granted easy reckoning, to get the book of deeds in the right hand, to pass through the Sirat [bridge] with ease, to enter Jannah and to be able to see and meet Allah(s.w.t) inshaAllah.

Waqina azab annar means to be saved from experiencing the fire even for a fraction of a second.

Allah says such people who make this dua have their share in both worlds according to what they have earned.

Lets not just read this dua but make this dua keeping all this in mind with sincere heart and also work hard for it. Lets make this dunya a place to earn for the life hereafter.

Naheed Ahmed

Onsite Student
Taleem Al Quran 2010



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