Quran Talks...
This blog aims to spread the authentic teachings of Islam and to promote the learning of the Holy Quran. Contributing are sisters studying under Dr. Farhat Hashmi at Al Huda Institute Canada, who will be sharing first hand accounts of their learning.


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Reflections of December 01, 2006

That Day, you will be exhibited [for judgement]; not hidden among you is anything concealed. [Al-Haaqqah: 18]

Stop cloaking
Stop concealing
Stop covering
For my cache of sins which will be unmasked, uncovered and unconcealed...

- Aniqa Chohan (Australia)

Glimpses of the Hereafter

We are in the 18 floor of the apartment building. The sky as well as the roads and houses below can easily be viewed. A beautiful blend of different shades of color of green and blue can be observed.
To imagine the land with everything on top of it, as big as mountains will be lifted up and crashed in a single blow. The sky splitting apart. I felt the power of Allah (s.w.t.)
I remembered how sahabas (r.a.) dreaded this day when all of us will be presented before Allah (s.w.t)---The All Mighty.
May Allah make that day easy for us. Ameen

- Ayesha Ahmed (Etobicoke)

In Surah Al-Haaqqah the description of the inmates of Hell is extremely terrifying. To read the verses makes one shudder with disgust and fear. The part that really struck me today was from Verse 36: "He will have no food except from gisleen (the discharge of wounds)."
We can hardly look at the discharge of wounds let alone trying to eat it! Imagine pus and blood together as a meal. It is unimaginable, but a reality. We must believe in the Hereafter with true conviction and wake up today while we still have a chance!

- Ayesha Baig (California)

Throughout the Quran we have come across various Surahs that have warned us about the Akhirah...the good and the bad. We all want the good, yet we still incline towards the evil in the dunya. We've been warned about the hell fire a numerous amount of times, and we fear it when we read about it but we still go back to our original ways. When will we change? May Allah (s.w.t) give us all the taufeeq to be guided on to the straight path. Ameen

- Fatima Malik (Mississauga)


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