Reflections of November 7, 2006
Surah Al-Waqiah

Why is it not then that when it (soul) comes up to the throat, (83) And you at that time look on—(84) And We are nearer to it than you, but you do not see (85) [Al-Waqi’ah: 83-85]
Student Reflections
One of my biggest fears was to be alone, all alone. But these ayahs really made me ponder over the fact that when we leave this world we will be alone, we will face our Lord individually, and we will not have anyone who will be willing to hold us or comfort us. When death will approach us, we might have people around us, but they won’t be able to do anything for us. Imagine... meeting someone you have never seen before and on top of that... you don’t know how he will treat you... it’s one of the most scariest situations and a new place, a new environment, a new house... and there is NO TURNING BACK... may Allah protect us and make us die as true Muslims. Ameen
- Saba Paracha
Today’s ayahs of Surah Al-Waqi’ah were a reminder that we are so helpless and weak as compared to our Creator, Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala. We will not be able to help ourselves when our time to go from this world comes as well as in the hereafter. The lesson that I learned is that this is the time to do good and prepare for the Akhira, so that our good deeds come in handy when we need them most. They are what will save us from the torment of Jahannam and they are also Insha'Allah what will make us worthy of all the nai'mas that will be bestowed upon As-Saabiqoon. If we always aim for the highest level, even if we do make any small mistakes unknowingly, then at least we will be amongst the Ashaab-ul-Yameen, Insha’Allah. Wishing for something good does not help unless we make an utmost effort to achieve it… we must struggle in order to be successful in the Akhira. Jannah is for those who really work hard for it – who strive in the way of Allah in order to earn His pleasure and reward. I pray that we put into practice whatever we are learning from the Quraan, as that is what Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala expects from us. If we do not, we will be on our own on the day when no relative or friend will come to our aid and save us from the scorching wind, boiling water, thick black smoke or the blazing fire.
- Maryam Hameed (Ottawa)
In surah Al-Waqi’ah Allah has pointed out to us the occurring of the Day of Judgment. He lets us know that on the Day of Judgment everyone shall be divided into three kinds of groups. 1. Companions of the right 2. Companions of the left 3. Those who are precedingNow, it is our choice to chose one of these selections and base our actions on it throughout our lives. We all know which one we would like to strive for because we have learned the outcomes of each one of them. To me it seemed like that the best outcome was for the ones preceding, which made me want to get up and make some moves. InshaAllah.
- Faiza Bano (Texas)
Is it such a Message that ye would hold in light esteem? [Al-Waqi’ah: 81]
When two parties compromise, things turn out to be much better!
From the word 'mudhinoon' in verse 81, the importance of compromise was illustrated before us. When two or more groups have a decision to make, the best decision is always made when all parties compromise to a final decision. One party can never be the takers, rather situations are better handled when one gives and takes...through compromise.
Many episodes occur in our lives where decisions aren’t made according to what we want; rather they are made in the favor of others. But we never come to realize that if we take some and lose some, that perhaps at the end of the day both parties can go home happy! Unfortunately, we tend to see many relations on the verge of a collapse due to the lack of compromise,.
May Allah (s.w.t) forgive all of us if we have upset anyone in any case; and may He guide us on to the straight path. Ameen.
- Fatima Malik (Mississauga)
How many times did I ever stop to think is this action of mine causing someone else harm? How many times did I make dua for some one else besides ME and MY family and My friends?
The mutrafieen mentioned in the Quran, who are they where did they go wrong?
Wasn’t it their selfishness that took them to denying the Prophets, the word of Allah and Allah’s promise? Isn’t it their selfishness that is taking them to the hell fire? They didn’t care about none but themselves that they are well off, they are getting everything they want, and their wishes are fulfilled.
Tell me then why don’t we learn? Why do we live for ourselves and ourselves alone? That’s not how the Sabiqoons be. A sabiqoon is the one who does things and does them quietly making sure no one is harmed by his action. He’s afraid of Allah’s wrath on him. He runs to do good but doesn’t leave anyone behind. He realizes that everything lies with Allah. All end is with Him, he will stand in front of Allah, all will end. He’s hopeful of His mercy at the same time afraid of His punishment.
Sometimes I wonder… what world do we live in? Did we make up our own imaginary world? How does our mind work, do we expect things to come to us just by sitting around? All we care about is that we are saved from the Hell fire and that’s it. We’re not even sincere about our families.
- Sada Mohsin, New York
Hell - unimaginable pain and distress
Al-Waqi'ah: 41-56
Yesterday the first half of Surah Waqi'ah was such a beautiful, out of the world experience... but the 2nd part is also a reality, a bitter reality which forces us to keep a regular 'Self Check'.
We have heard many people say- It's no big deal… Its ok we will find a way out sometime/somehow… we are better than many others at least... etc
What is more surprising is that, these are our own people who actually believe in the 'DAY' but take it lightly... what is the problem with such people?! They act SO insane! In this world we are extremely careful about ourselves, we do not welcome any problems deliberately even for a short time... Be it physical, mental, regarding our house, food, status, fame, etc. Then what makes us so careless about none other than OUR OWN SELVES...
Nothing is worth a second thought when one imagines a dwelling in hell wherein every moment will seem endless. We have no time so every moment of our lives should be our Best effort for Jannah.
- Salma Ghansar (Mississauga)
Fear the fire...and The One Who created it
"And have you seen the fire that you ignite? Is it you who produced its tree, or are We the producer? We have made it a reminder* and provision** for the travelers, So exalt the name of your Lord, the Most Great." [Al-Waqi'ah: 71-74]
* Of the great fire of Hell
** In the form of flints or other means by which to ignite fire. Travelers are mentioned because of the special convenience to them although it is a provision for all people in general.
(I used the Saheeh International translation and therefore included their footnotes as well.)
These ayahs made me reflect on fire. We benefit from it everyday, but are we grateful for it? Do we learn a lesson from it? I remember I was baking and I burnt my hand despite the fact that I was wearing an oven mitt at the time. A home remedy for burns is to apply raw potato, particularity its water, to cool and heal a burn. It took what felt like so very, very long for my skin to cool. And I couldn't believe it, the incredible pain, and yet I had been wearing an oven mitt. Alhamdullilah, I was soon relieved and was fortunate to not even have a blister. But what about the fire of Hell, in which people will be fully immersed, with no barrier, no respite, and no relief. Even when the skin re-grows, it will only be to be burned anew. If we really reflected on it, and believed it to be real, as real as when we burn ourselves in real life, we would fear the fire and the One Who created it. May Allah (SWT) save us form the fire, Ameen.
- Rushda Haq (Mississauga)
Al-Waqi'ah: 41-59
What really struck me in class today, was the words that Allah (SWT) uses for Ashabul-Mash'ama, the companions of the left, or of the Hell Fire. After describing the scorching winds, boiling water, shade of pitch-black smoke, terrible food and drink, Allah (SWT) says "That is their hospitality on the Day of Recompense" (Al-Waqi'ah 56). The word hospitality is very striking. In Verse 45 (Al-Waqi'ah) Allah mentions "Indeed they were, before that, indulging in ease and luxury". In a way, it is like they accommodated themselves in this temporary life with ease and comfort, persisting on their sins, heedless of the Hereafter, heedless of their result. They then will get a different "accommodation/hospitality" on the Day of Recompense.
When you read the description of Hell in the Quraan it makes you shudder. The pain and torture is unbearable! Still, we pass these verses and go back to our daily routine. Back to ease and comfort. What we do not realize is that; the striving that we do to please Allah in this life (and Allah's Mercy) is what will save us from these terrible results. May Allah (SWT) guide us, and give us the ability to believe in the Hereafter with TRUE CONVICTION. Ameen.
- Ayesha Baig (California)
regarding the verse- why do you say that which you do not do? When iblis was amongst the mushriks fighting the small band of muslims in the battle of badr, he saw the angels of Allah descend to help the band of beleivers, and he said..." i fear Allah and a severe punishment" and he turned on his heel,s fleeing....
fearing Allah is great. but its not enough. Iblis feared....and one can assume he still does...but its not sufficient.
until this fear does not seep into your actions. until YOU do not make a stand, decide to make a change, just STOP, there can be no true success and no real peace in your life.
until we do not decide to take responsibilty for our lives and re direct our actions towards SINCERELY gaining Allah's pleasure- in all honesty, i see awaiting for myself nothing but the Hell Fire.
May Allah have Mercy on us all. Ameen
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