Quran Talks...
This blog aims to spread the authentic teachings of Islam and to promote the learning of the Holy Quran. Contributing are sisters studying under Dr. Farhat Hashmi at Al Huda Institute Canada, who will be sharing first hand accounts of their learning.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Reflections of December 15, 2006

Responsibilities of a Da'ee
  • To establish the link of people with Allah (s.w.t) and to make this relation strong.
  • To purify souls (i.e. to correct ones thoughts and deeds.)

How can we stop ourselves from wrong desires and thus purify ourselves.
  1. To have fear of Allah (s.w.t).
  2. To work upon achieving pure faith---no major or minor shirk.
  3. Avoid sins, even doubtful things.
  4. Recognize those thoughts and acts which spoil our good deeds and remove them. (E.g. thinking oneself as pious or praying speedily)
  5. To have a sense of accountability before ALLAH (s.w.t).

- Ayesha Ahmed (Etobicoke)

The Departing of the Soul
By those [angels] who extract with violence And [by] those who remove with ease [An-Naazi'aat: 1-2]

The first few verses of surah An Naazi'aat really woke me up. To learn that at the time of death the soul is taken out in different ways put me in awe. The comparison between the extraction of the disbelievers and the believer’s soul really made me think that if my soul was to be extracted at this second, which category would I fall into. Do I want my soul to depart from me violently or do I want it to depart from my body gently? It’s really up to me and my actions! These verses were truly a wake-up call for me.

- Fatima Malik (Mississauga)


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