Reflections of November 10, 2006Surah Al-Hadeed 
"Know that the life of this world is but play and amusement, a show and boasting among yourselves, a quest for greater riches and more children - it's similitude is that of a rain whose {resulting} plant growth pleases the tillers; then it withers and you see it turn (brownish) yellow, soon it becomes dry and crumbles away- in the Hereafter there will we be either severe punishment or forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure - the life of this world is nothing but the enjoyment of delusion." Al-Hadeed 20
What is the Life of this World?
We are so caught up in entertaining and amusing ourselves, adorning our homes, cars and ourselves, boasting, bragging, and competing with each other that we forget that all this 'adornment' will whither, become 'dry', and crumble away. All this... including ourselves! We have forgotten the real purpose of our life, and the main source of our guidance -- The Quran. It is only when we read and ponder upon its verses that we will realize the value of the life of this world. It is only then we will realize it is nothing but an enjoyment of delusion.
-Ayesha Baig, California
Race Ahead in Doing Good
Just imagine for a while, if we compete with each other in running towards Allah (s.w.t), there will be an atmosphere free of self projection and self interest. Nobody would wait for words of appreciation; nobody would despair if there were no immediate positive results of their efforts. Rather we would just over come our own deficits and run ahead. WHY? That’s because we put our complete trust in Allah’s promises and only want His forgiveness and pleasure.
-Ayesha Asad, Etobicoke
"Be ye foremost (in seeking) Forgiveness from your Lord, and a Garden (of Bliss), the width whereof is as the width of heaven and earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messengers: that is the Grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom he pleases: and Allah is the Lord of Grace abounding." Al-Hadeed 21
Decorate Your Eternal House
Whenever we think about Jannah, we picture it as the most beautifully decorated place, with trees, shades, etc. Something that I realized yesterday is that every body's Jannah will be different… not just according to grades but according to beauty too...
Jannah is a vast barren land which we have to beautify with our deeds. We decorate our worldly house before moving in it and after settling there too... but this house has to be prepared fully in our life time and our lives should focus for the betterment of that eternal house.
While doing good deeds we can keep the picture of our vast plot in mind and compare our deeds to the growing beauty of Jannah. This will keep us going and motivated to furnish our Future homes and perhaps we would become the SABIQOON in both lives. InshaAllah
-Salma Ghansar, Mississauga
Race Towards Doing Good
Race ahead in doing good with Knowledge, and making sure it really is good. The Criteria -- it has to be according to the Qur'an and the Sunnah and good for us in the Hereafter. A Momin looks far ahead, and his focus is not just the petty gains of this Dunya.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala mentions the word ‘Sabbaha,’ meaning glorifying or praising, at the beginning of Surah Al Hadeed and other Surahs as well. We are also familiar with the words Tasbeeh or Zikr, glorifying and mentioning Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala’s name through His Attributes. This is recommended and encouraged, as this was the way of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.) as well as the Salaf, to achieve closeness to Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala by consciously praising and glorifying Him, as this increases our Imaan and Tawheed, and makes it easy for us to accept and follow Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala’s commands.
A self check of our Zikr and Tasbeehaat:
When we start our Salah saying ‘Allahu Akbar’, ‘Allah is the Greatest’ -- does His Greatness make us concentrate better and remind us that this could be our last Salah, and He is watching us, or we seeing Him.
When in Ruku we say ‘Subhana Rabbi Yal Azeem’, ‘How perfect is my Lord, the Supreme’ -- do we really feel His Supremacy and Perfection and want our Ruku to be even better and praise Him more.
Straightening up from the Ruku, we say ‘Samei Allahu Leman Hamedah and Rabbana wa Lakal Hamd’, ‘Allah listens to the one who praises Him, and Our Lord, to you be all Praise’—do we really believe that He listens to the one who Praises Him, and is our Praise just for Him, or we Praise His creation more than we Praise Him. Do we long to Praise Him more by memorizing other Duas that we can say while standing after Ruku.
In Sajood when we say ‘Subhana Rabbi Yal Aalaa’, ‘How Perfect is my Lord, Most High’ -- do we still want to get up quickly, and feel saying that is enough, or we keep praising and glorifying Him, and never want our sajood to end. Do we remember that in Sajood we are the closest to Our Rabb and we should make a lot of duas, or we cannot wait to get up?
The companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.) did Tasbeeh and Zikr with knowledge and Ikhlaas. It elevated their Taqwa and Imaan, and they were always ready to sacrifice everything they had, including their lives, for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala. They were the ones who knew Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala well, through His attributes, and His Remembrance -- Tasbeeh and Zikr, were a source of peace and satisfaction for their hearts and made them soft.
-Fakhri Hameed, Ottawa