"Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find contentment.” (13:28)

When you yearn for the glamour and glitter of what others have in this fleeting dunya, ponder on all the blessings you have and be grateful. Instead of looking at what others above you have, look at those below you and be grateful to Allah for His immeasurable blessings!
Ash-shaima abdul Ahad Online Student Taleem Al Quran 2010Labels: Reflections
Setting priorities when it comes to this life will ensure InshaAllah that Allah will be pleased with us in the hereafter. Mundane activities such as cooking, cleaning and running errands are essential but they shouldn’t be the only focus of our life we must also make an investment for our akhirah (Hereafter) by spending time learning the Word of Allah
Kareema Mobarak Onsite Student Taleem Al Quran 2010 Labels: Reflections
Surah Baqarah
Assalaamu-Alaikum, Though I enrolled late into the class and missed the entire first juz, I did manage to skim through it and my reflections on the juz was that it seems as though Allah SWT has made his signs crystal clear to us and easy for us to understand, yet we still cannot come to show full obedience to Him. It is clear that Allah SWT has taken a covenant from each and every one of us and yet we make full attempts to break that covenant every single time. What is stopping us from believing in the absolute truth?? Why is it that we can verbally say that we believe, but we find it so difficult for our actions to show that belief? Must we see the hell fire first hand in order for us to TRULY believe? Must we see Jannah first hand in order for us to truly believe?? It is disheartening that Allah SWT has sent down the Quran as guidance for us and the Prophets to relay the message of Allah SWT, but still we don’t think it’s enough for us to accept the truth. May Allah SWT have mercy on all of us and increase our taqwa and our imaan so that we may be most righteous and be amongst the al-mumineen.
Nazia Hussain Onsite Student Taleem Al Quran 2010
Labels: Reflections
The Greatest Treasure
We all strive to fill our bank accounts and lockers with treasure but in doing so we completely forget about the greatest treasure of all sitting right there in our book shelf, yes it is the GLORIOUS QURAN, it's not just a book it's filled with treasure, not in every surah, not in every ayah but in each and every "hurf" is a gem for us, waiting to be collected and saved. How can we do so? Very easy, read it, understand it, and implement it BUT NO! don't stop there encourage others to do the same and you will see and feel the difference in your life as well as in the lives of those around you, and if we keep striving in this manner INSHALLAH the entire Muslim ummah will adopt the path loved and blessed by Allah(s.w.t) but NO NO NO!! DON'T STOP there not just Muslims but also those in the shade of darkness, it is our duty to invite them towards the true book and may ALLAH guide us all towards the success in duniya and akhira. Wafaa Talhaa Onsite Student Taleem Al Quran 2010
Labels: Reflections
Surah Baqarah Verse 7
Allāh has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment. Surah Baqarah Verse 7 We covered this verse in lesson 3, and up until then I was taking this course very logically, and as factual statements from the Quran. As a psychology student, I have been learning for the past 4 years in university that the brain is the seat of perception and reasoning, not the heart. However, in this ayah Allah SWT mentions thatHe has sealed the disbelievers' hearts...it does not say brain! In trying to make amends between what I was learning from the Quran and what I learned in university, I realized that from experimental work, as an organ, the brain has no sense of feeling or pain. It has receptors and neurotransmitters that are sent to other parts of the body so that we are able to interact with our surroundings. Therefore, the heart is the seat of reasoning and perception, and I learned that I must open my heart, and not just my brain if I truly want to benefit from the Quran. Also, I realized that even when we are taking notes, or thinking about the Quran and gaining simply factual knowledge, we may not benefit if our hearts are "sealed" as mentioned in this verse. Consequently, if Allah seals our hearts, because of our own lack of usage, our eyes and sense of hearing would also be covered up.
Therefore, the heart is not simply an organ like the brain, rather, it is a means through which we can understand the Quran and obtain guidance from it
. Kashmala Qasim On Site Student Taleem Al Quran 2010
Labels: Reflections
Surah Baqarah
Assalaamualaykum wa rahmatuAllah,
I was bursting with excitement when we began this Juzz. Surah al-Baqarah is one of the Surahs I recite and listen to the most, and I was eager to know its message and what it was telling me. Throughout the Juzz the lesson that I felt the most was having the Taqwa of Allah. After asking guidance from Allah in Surah Fatiha, we learned that the Qur'an is the guidance, and only the Muttaqeen take benefit. Surah Baqarah Verse 2 “This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allāh” In verse 63,Allah tells us that we need to take the book firmly and remember what is in it so that we can get Taqwa. Throughout when Allah mentions the stories of Bani Israel, they lacked Taqwa and strong faith. Tonight the Imam was reciting Surah Maryam in Taraweeh, in verse 63 "That is the paradise which We make to inherit of Our servants whoever was god fearing."Jannah is also for the Muttaqeen.
Fear Allah wherever I am and whomever I am with .Maryama Ahmed Onsite Student Taleem Al Quran 2010
Labels: Reflections
"When Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of Deen.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].