Quran Talks...
This blog aims to spread the authentic teachings of Islam and to promote the learning of the Holy Quran. Contributing are sisters studying under Dr. Farhat Hashmi at Al Huda Institute Canada, who will be sharing first hand accounts of their learning.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Eid Mubarak—Taqaba Lallahu Minna wa Minkum—InshaAllah

Some Ramadaan Reflections

We were all better prepared for Ramadaan this year, as compared to the past Alhamdolillah, after studying almost twenty six Juz of the Quraan.
Alhamdolillah, I felt I had more Khushu in salah and enjoyed the extra, rather than finding it a burden.

The reminder about fixing a time for Tasbeehaat and Zikr by Ustazah was very helpful. Going and coming back from the Masjid, as well as while cooking and cleaning etc. was spent mostly in Zikr.

Everything got done Alhamdolillah. I made time for reading the Quraan as well as the school and house work.

Going to the Masjid for Salatul Taraweeh was beneficial, but I wish we would have more Huffaaz in our community, who do not need the Mushaf in front of them, but are comfortable with a few others like them to correct, if the need arises. I am aware of the Rukhsa of reading from the Mushaf in Nafli Salahs, but it definitely affects the Khushu and is not preferred or recommended. What ever comes from within----touches the heart more and helps soften it---both for the Imaam as well as the Muqtadi. For myself I find that looking where I am supposed to look in Qayaam---the place of sajood, definitely helps in khushu. Even when people around me are flipping pages and not positioning their hands where they should be, or put the Mushaf where it should not be , I get distracted.

We all know, and say that Ramadaan is a month of training, but how long does the affect of Ramadaan last? I think individual Ebaadah is very important too, during this month, as we are on our own after Ramadaan.

Making time to read Quraan is important through out the year. Memorizing it on a regular basis, so that next Ramadaan we are able to read more in our salahs.

We should train ourselves for the next eleven months, so that our Akhlaq, Salahs, Quraan, Zikr and Ebaadah are better next Ramadaan. What we achieved during this month----we should carry on and continue, as well as keep on adding more. With the end of Ramadaan, I already find a decline in the zeal and urge to do more and better. So this is the time to make an effort to maintain whatever good we were able to accomplish during this very precious month, and built on it----rather than go back to square one, and wait for the next Ramadaan to get us started again---who knows if we are even going to there for the next Ramadaan.

May Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala accept our Siyaam and Qayaam, and keep us steadfast on our Deen always, Ameen.
-Fakhri Hameed (Ottawa)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Mocking and laughing at others

O ye who believe! Let not some men among you laugh at others: It may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): Nor let some women laugh at others: It may be that the (latter are better than the (former): Nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames: Ill-seeming is a name connoting wickedness, (to be used of one) after he has believed: And those who do not desist are (indeed) doing wrong. [Al-Hujaraat:11]

Reflections, October 16, 2006:
Traits of the one who crosses limits:
1) Laughs at others
2) Defames others through sarcasm
3) Calls others by offensive and insulting names
Ayah 11 of Surah al-Hujaraat literally shook me inside out! To speak of myself first and foremost, I can admit that on average there isn't a single day that goes by that something of such sort can slip out of my mouth, whether it is intentionally or not. After today's tafsir, I had to sit down for a while and gather myself together. Not only was I in a state of shock but I could see that many sisters around me were also in shock, it was written on their faces.
I always know in the back of my mind that I shouldn't be uttering such nonsense. Why? Because a) I call myself a believer and b) I represent Islam through my appearance...not realizing that I may be hurting my so-called representation through my speech.
The solution to such problems is to seek forgiveness. Forgiveness from the people we have mocked and to seek forgiveness and repent to Allah, because by making fun of His creations is as if we are mocking our Creator. Allah (s.w.t) has given us the opportunity to repent, the doors of tawbah are always open for us, yet we don't take up this chance He has given us in this world.
This is the month of Ramadan, one of the best times to change ourselves, and I can not think of a better time to have come across this ayah! There are only a few days of Ramadan left and we should take this opportunity to change ourselves.
-Fatima Malik (Mississauga)

"Just kidding"
After today's Tafseer of Surah Al-Hujaraat verse 11, I was thinking about how amazing The Quran is!! It doesn't even leave out the minor details in life .The previous verse (v.10) tells us how we as Muslims are like 'brothers' to one another; and in case of any differences between us we must reconcile (if we want to be bestowed with Allah's mercy). But from where and how do these differences arise? The answer is in the next verses, which is mainly when we cross the limits of Allah after having been given the guidance of how to run our lives. When we cross those limits, the problems begin.
In verse 11 we are being told not to make fun of each other, defame each other through sarcastic remarks (using our tongues or body language) and also, not to call each other by offensive nicknames. These are things we do everyday! We do so maybe due to differences we may have with another person, or due to arrogance, jealousy or some other hidden complex in our mind. Sometimes we do it just to 'entertain' others. All these things are done under the cover of "just joking", "just kidding around" or "just wanna have fun". I think if we are more conscious of what we are saying/doing, stop and reflect on our actions, try to find the hidden reason behind our behavior, and work on getting rid of that cause, we can InshaAllah save ourselves from being amongst the fasiqoon (those who cross limits).May Allah (s.w.t) help us through this everyday struggle and make us from amongst those who succeed. Ameen.

- Ayesha Baig (California)

"My Book of Deeds?"
Today's ayah’s tafseer sounded to me as if Allah is pointing out just to me, and reading my book of deeds (which roughly sketches my behavior with people). Some things which we casually do on a daily basis could be a means of making us a Faasiq instead of a Momin (in Allah's sight) for example; to taunt, make fun, insult, blame, use bad words/names for others, publicize somebody’s defects, etc.
Reasons of why people cross limits and become Faasiq:
1) Firstly, we do this if we have differences (opposition, competition) with someone.
2) Secondly, it is due to the many complexes that we live with (Hatred, Jealousy, Pride, assuming greatness)
- Salma Ghansar (Mississauga)

"The Epidemic of Mockery"
I have to say I found today's tafsir stressful - everywhere you look you find examples of people mocking others. After class I felt scared to speak! It has become so much of a norm that even unintentionally we are all constantly commenting on things and people, and as such highlighting their faults. Alhumdullillah for all the sharing and tips we heard today. May Allah (SWT) help us reform. Ameen.

- Rushda Haq (Mississauga)

"In the Arms of Believers"
The first day I came to Canada and coming to the Hostel something happened that really encouraged me. When I arrived at the hostel, I went to see my new room. Two people were in the room and as I was coming down the stairs, I slipped and fell. At that moment I was expecting the two people to start laughing at me for falling down the stairs, but they didn’t. I was really impressed and it made such an impact on me that ‘they didn’t laugh at me’, or ridicule me. It was such a big encouragement and I didn’t even feel so embarrassed. I really looked up to them because of the control they had over themselves. If people were to stop ridiculing, mocking, and laughing at others, our relations would be filled with love not hatred. If only we were to learn how big of a difference it makes.
- Ayesha Ahmed (Texas)

"The Role of a Muslim"
I really understood the role of a Muslim. Extremely selfless, how beautiful a character would be if he thought of others before him. Allah addresses with "O you who believe", we all do believe, but it is the small things that we forget. To do Islah between two people, one needs to be completely selfless because at that point you are thinking of others before you, and the reward for it is tremendous. May Allah give us the Iman to think of others before ourselves, and realize the reality of this world. Ameen
- Sabah Paracha

"Got Fisq?"
After listening to yesterday’s tafseer of Surah Al-Hujaraat, ayah 11, I realized how lightly we take the command of not to mock one another. We do it so naturally that it has become a very cruel habit, especially among the youth. We often tease each other either with words or by using body language about various things in order to make people laugh - but do we even stop to realize that this is haram? The one who does this is a Faasiq… is it worth it?
- Maryam Hameed (Ottawa)

"Victoria and Joanne"
Today in surah al-Hujaraat ayah 11, Ustaza talked in detail about how people mock each other in different ways. I remembered when I started secondary school in England; one of my class fellows named Victoria had a dispute with my friend Joanne. It’s not even some thing worth to be mentioned. However things got bad and Victoria was made fun of. She was made to stand beside the wall and there were many girls and boys all hooting at her, passing comments on her red short and curly hair, her round face. I was 11 years old that time (1988) and I still remember the scene. Every body was pushing my friend Joanne to hit her-who was feeling guilty all the more. It was horrible. The way Victoria was standing beside the wall with a sad and helpless look made us feel terrible. Although we did make up with her and became real good friends, still that moment could have built a feeling of hopelessness, anger, despair or hatred in Victoria.
These incidents are common-if only one places oneself in this kind of situation when been ridiculed, it might make one realize the agony any body can go through.
- Ayesha Asad (Etobicoke)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Surah Al-Fath: Companions of the Prophet SAW

"Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those with him are firm of heart against the unbelievers, compassionate among themselves; you will see them bowing down, prostrating themselves, seeking grace from Allah and pleasure; their marks are in their faces because of the effect of prostration; that is their description in the Taurat and their description in the Injeel; like as seed-produce that puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, so it becomes stout and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may enrage the unbelievers on account of them; Allah has promised those among them who believe and do good, forgiveness and a great reward." [Al Fath: 29]

I am absolutely in awe of the Sahabas (RA). I felt such gratitude today for our Muslim Heroes class! I felt as if in my mind's eye I could see these chosen slaves of Allah (s.w.t.) as they passionately protected our deen, with their love and obedience for Allah (s.w.t.) and His messenger (s.a.w.). Imagine that such people truly existed! Allah (s.w.t.) speaks of them in the Quran, and tells us that He is pleased with them- what an honor. Their existence and the fact that Allah (s.w.t.) has preserved the knowledge of them is a personal blessing of Allah (s.w.t.) upon us. I particularly loved how Ustazah taught us some seerah along the way. Reviewing the biography of the Prophet (s.a.w.) is something we should all do regularly as I have personally found it very beneficial in the understanding of the tafsir.
May Allah (s.w.t.) grant us the taufeeq to work in His path, to follow in the footsteps of those beautiful men and women with whom He is pleased. May Allah (s.w.t.) permit us with His mercy to be in the company of these brave souls and our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) in Jannat-ul-Firdous. Ameen.
-Rushda Haq, Mississauga, Oct 11, 2006

Who were the Sahabas? The beloved companions of Allah’s Messenger (saw), Allah's loved ones, and great personalities. These motivated souls spread our deen to its fullest. If it weren't for them what would become of our Islam? Such strong characters from the outside yet amongst the most humble people that walked this earth. These are our heroes, ones who have earned Allah's pleasure. Yet sadly we look up to others. If only we realized what they brought was true success, we wouldn’t make this mistake.
-Ayesha Ahmed, Oct, 11, 2006, Texas









By: Faiza Bano, Texas and Noor-Ul-Ain Toronto, Oct, 11, 2006

The Companions of the Prophet (saw) were perfect role models! They were willing to sacrifice anything for their religion and anything for their friend, the Messenger of Allah (saw). How many of us are willing to do anything in the name of our deen?
-Fatima Malik, Mississauga, Oct, 11, 2006

While looking over verse 29 in Surah Al-Fath, which mentions the qualities of the Sahaba, I was thinking; what is it that makes us so different than the Sahabas? I then compared a few of their qualities with most Muslims today;
The Sahaba were: Ones strong upon the disbelievers
We?: Weak and apologetic of our way of life, look up to and follow the disbelievers blindly.
Sahaba - Merciful among themselves.
We?- Always disputing amongst ourselves. Don't forgive or overlook each others mistakes or weaknesses.
Sahaba - Making ruku and sujud, seeking blessings from Allah(s.w.t) and his good pleasure.
We?- Seeking blessings and good pleasure from other humans. Trying to please others to gain status in society. Putting our trust and asking for blessings from other helpless human beings like us.
Sahaba - They have the distinctive mark of sujud on their foreheads, the traces of their prostration.
We? - Our prayers don't have the quality or spirit in them to leave any kind of trace.
These are some of the things that make us different from the Sahaba, who earned the praise of Allah. I pray that Allah(SWT) will help us change our ways and work up to having the qualities of the respected Sahaba. Ameen.
-Ayesha Baig, California, Oct, 11, 2006

No matter what situation faces you in life, a believer never lets go of his excellent character. He lives his life striving to be better than his best. Why? Because he lives for a higher purpose in life... to serve Allah...
-Farhat Nazir, Oct, 11, 2006

Surah Al-Fath: 18-20, 27
There is always some wisdom behind all of Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala’s decisions – even if we don’t understand it right away. Sometimes we really want something to happen and when it doesn’t we start complaining and begin to despair. Or when everything’s going perfectly our way something happens to interrupt our happiness. Why do these things happen? These are all tests from Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala to see if we are really worthy of entering Jannah or not. Furthermore, coping with difficult situations makes us stronger. We learn valuable lessons through these times that we may not be able to learn in times of ease. Thus, when this happens we must be patient and have trust in Allah, remembering that the temporary hardships that we have to go through in this dunya is well worth the everlasting reward in the Hereafter. We will see that Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala will not only take away our hardships but give us more than we could ever have imagined. Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala says in Surah At-Talaaq, ayah 2-3: “And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish his purpose.” We are all tested in different ways but the key is to remain steadfast throughout the situation, be patient and put our trust in Allah – for verily, this is the way to success.
-Maryam Hameed, Ottawa, Oct, 11, 2006

Monday, October 09, 2006

"And We have enjoined on man doing of good to his parents; with trouble did his mother bear him and with trouble did she bring him forth; and the bearing of him and the weaning of him was thirty months; until when he attains his maturity and reaches forty years, he says: My Lord! grant me that I may give thanks for Thy favor which Thou hast bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do good which pleases Thee and do good to me in respect of my offspring; surely I turn to Thee, and surely I am of those who submit." Surah Al Ahqaaf: 15

Students' reflections:
After Allah (s.w.t) and the Prophet (saw), the figure of the mother is the next person who should receive the most love. The struggles that the mother goes through in her life are something that her child can never measure up to.
She is the one who carried me in her womb for nine months through the good and bad times. She then underwent extreme pain in giving birth to me, then she fed me whether she liked it or not! I realized today how much pain and what great hardships my mother has gone through raising me. Last week I turned 21, but in those 21 years of my life I don't think that I could ever measure up to those 9 months in which she carried me. And for her I am grateful!
-Fatima Malik

The beautiful dua taught in this verse (Al-Ahqaaf: 15) amazed me in yesterday’s class. One can understand why we should be grateful for our own blessings; because they benefit us directly, but showing gratitude to Allah for the blessings He has bestowed upon our parents is also important and yet how often do we consider it much less do shukr for it?
We always want our parents to be happy, healthy and secure. We ourselves can have all the riches and goods of the world, but if our parents are unwell or in a difficult situation, would we be able to remain happy? This dua shows how to safeguard your own blessings and that of your parents, and in the safeguarding of both is what leads to contentment. And this is from the true nature of human beings that they want good for those who are close to them, and from the character of a Muslim is that he wants good for the whole ummah. If he was to know about the difficulties that the Muslims- no matter how far away- were going through, he could not remain happy or at peace, for the Prophet (s) compared the ummah to that of the human body, where if one part was to become sick the whole body would come to its aid.
The Muslim is not self contained or selfish, his concern is not just his own well being, but his consideration and concern extends to the whole of mankind, starting with his parents and family, then the close relatives and then the ummah as a whole. This du'a teaches us to look beyond ourselves and ask Allah for the ability to be grateful for our own blessings and that upon our parents, May Allah give us the Tawfiq, Aameen.
- Samera Nawaz

As much as I have taken for granted....my mom has always been my truest friend and well wisher (especially for the akhirah). I can’t imagine what portion of her duas is dedicated for me... yet in my duas..... I can’t say the same. I find that truly sad...for my sake... I pray I get a chance to put her on top of my list and live by it...
-Nabila Naz